Communication is first ingredient in a successful construction project. It is incredibly easy to communicate today, sometimes too easy. Smart phones have made it easy to “reach out and touch” someone. Emailing from tablets and smart phones is almost as easy. Calling is very easy with contact information at your fingertips 24/7. Don’t over do it, but stay in contact with your fellow construction team members.
I have had the privilege of serving as an Expert Witness on several construction claims. It has given me a unique perspective on the breakdown of projects I have served as an expert witness on. Step one – the parties stop communicating. OK, step one is that they get upset at each other, followed immediately by step 2, they stop communicating. This is a recipe for disaster. Problems can be worked-out. The key is to have everyone involved working on a solution, not trying to prove their case or trump the other parties. Often having a conversation face to face with the opposing party works. Meeting away from the jobsite and at a neutral location such as a coffee shop may provided a well needed distraction-free environment.
Don’t dive into the sensitive subject in your opening remarks. Chat for a minute or two. You might learn that the guy or gal on the other side of that cup of coffee has some similar interests to yours, and doesn’t have three heads that breathe fire. They might learn the same thing about you. Be civil. Be respectful. Keep in mind that the courtroom is the most expensive place to work out differences. Go to great lengths to avoid court if you can.
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